[HLUG] Linux Presentation Day 2016.1 in UK / Herefordshire

Hauke Laging hauke.laging at linux-presentation-day.de
Sun Apr 3 14:35:40 UTC 2016


Am Sonntag, 3. April 2016, 15:19:49 CEST schrieb Julian Robbins:

> We will be putting on an event but it will be quite small

that is not a problem at all. The whole strategy is to reverse the current 
situation: Few big events, each once per year, have not really improved the 
Linux presence on the desktop. Now we have two huge events per year which 
consist of many small and even tiny events. In Germany we had events which 
were organised by a single person (even without helpers during the event).

A small event is much better than no event at all in a city or region. A small 
event gives you the chance to find more helpers (and even sponsors or a better 
room) for future events. And next time you can say that you do this *again*.

I assume as a small group you do not have a big budget. To get this started it 
is possible that we support you with some money for printing posters and 


Hotline für den Linux Presentation Day: tel:+49-30-55579620 (13–23 h)
    mobil: tel:+49-176-74827253 (13–23 h)

XMPP (Chat mit OTR): linux-presentation-day at jabber.ccc.de
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