[Herts] Moving IRC channel

David Precious davidp at preshweb.co.uk
Sun Oct 19 09:42:42 UTC 2008

Steve Clark wrote:
> On Saturday 18 October 2008 22:09:55 David Precious wrote:
>> The Herts LUG IRC channel has been very quiet recently.
> Really? It's rarely been busy.

This is true.

>> Secondly, when we set up the channel, somebody did suggest that
>> maybe it should live on the Freenode[0] network, which is more of a
>> techie network than EFNet, which is a general purpose network.
>> I'm wondering if we should have our channel there, in the hopes
>> that maybe we'll get more people "wander in" and discover our LUG.
>> What do you all think?
> Makes no difference to me, but anything to encourage more
> participation is welcome.

Well, there's already one stranger who joined the channel since I
created it yesterday :)

> I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people are not into on-line
>  socialising. Possibly something to do with having a 'life' ;)

A "life"?  Can I download one of those?  Is it open sourced? ;)

> Personally I enjoy chatting with people on-line even when I'm
> supposed to be doing other stuff.


> I posted some thoughts on social networks last night if you are bored
> http://www.bagofspoons.net/blog/Internet/20081018social.html

Aye, interesting read :)

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