[Infopoint] Infopoint website...

Paul Waring paul at rixort.com
Wed May 26 18:35:21 BST 2004

Schwuk wrote:
> How about an official Infopoint website (once there is some branding)? 
> Somewhere where we can point people, instead of giving them lists of 
> addresses. It could serve as a resource both for 'converts' and for 
> co-ordinating the sessions themselves.

I like this idea but I don't think the Infopoints have really gained 
enough of a foothold to start thinking about official sites, branding 
and whatnot. As far as I know, there has only been one Infopoint at 
Manchester so people weren't aware of who we are, but next time I think 
regular visitors will remember us.

I personally don't have a problen with jonobacon.org/infopoint being the 
official site, unless Jono is strapped for bandwidth.


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