[linux-sec-uk] Intros...

James Davis linux-sec-uk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Aug 18 17:14:00 2003

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Jon Spriggs wrote:

> What is the focus of this list going to be? Will it be "Linux Security
> Alerts" or will it be more along the lines of a book like "Hacking
> Exposed" - i.e. here's how it works, and here's how to solve it?

I don't want to over generalise and limit the scope of the list but if
you're going to ask: more towards the "Hacking Exposed"  end of this
scale. I simply don't have the time to organise the posting of security
alerts and think you'd be better served elsewhere. Of course if there's a
major alert I'm sure it'll naturally come on the list as people discuss
how to mitigate the risks of the alert.

I'd rather see the list as a place for questions (and hopefully answers)
and discusion. As well as the technical side I'd also like to see
UK-centric issues relating to regulation, law, cases, media coverage etc.
Having said all this, if you have any ideas about what you'd like to see
on a UK-centric linux security mailing list, I'd love to hear them.

Perhaps think of the list like a security SIG for UK LUGs?
