May 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Mon May 2 22:11:51 UTC 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 23:03:10 UTC 2011
Messages: 65
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Liverpool LUG - May 4th Meeting
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Liverpool LUG - May 4th Meeting
Will Noakes
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
ian BT
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Help Desk Software
Liam Craddock
- [Liverpool] Help Desk Software
Ian Norton
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Fwd: [GeekUp] Functional Programming Night at GeekUp Liverpool May
Adrian McEwen
- [Liverpool] Fwd: [DoES Liverpool] Maker Night on Wednesday 11th AND Friday 13th of May
Adrian McEwen
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Meetings, announcements, social centre, etc.
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Adrian McEwen
- [Liverpool] Events for 2011
Les Pounder
- [Liverpool]
Peter George
- [Liverpool] Events for 2011
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Stephen Watkin
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Stephen Watkin
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Graeme Dyas
- [Liverpool] Sipdroid on HTC Desire
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] North West England Perl Mongers - Manchester - technical meeting 19th May 2011.
Ian Norton
- [Liverpool] North West England Perl Mongers - Manchester - social meeting Thursday 23rd June 2011.
Ian Norton
- [Liverpool] Fwd: Functional Programming Night at GeekUp Liverpool May
Hakim Cassimally
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Andrew Bates
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Fwd: [dorkbotlondon-announce] dorkcamp, lake district, 18-22nd August 2011
Heather Corcoran
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Stephen Watkin
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Ignite Liverpool 6 - Thursday 2nd June at Leaf
Adrian McEwen
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Neil Bothwick
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Stephen Watkin
- [Liverpool] Asterisk
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Liam Craddock
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] Wednesday
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Liverpool LUG meeting - Wednesday 1st June 2011
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] Liverpool LUG meeting - Wednesday 1st June 2011
Dan Lynch
- [Liverpool] Liverpool LUG meeting - Wednesday 1st June 2011
Sebastian Arcus
- [Liverpool] DVI-to-VGA adaptors for LSC
Bob Ham
- [Liverpool] DVI-to-VGA adaptors for LSC
Stephen Watkin
Last message date:
Tue May 31 23:03:10 UTC 2011
Archived on: Tue May 31 23:03:10 UTC 2011
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