[Malvern] Suse 8.1

Rich M malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Dec 20 09:49:01 2002

Hi there - I'm a monitor of this list and thought I'd contribute for a change...

> "geoff bagley" <geoff@gcbagley.uklinux.net> <malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk> Re: [Malvern] Suse 8.1Reply-To: malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk
>Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 10:09:08 -0000
>Hi  Phil.
>I have SuSE 8.0 Pro.  I too am impressed.  YaST is good for package
>and so is the RPM  system on which I think it is based.  SuSE also support
>my printer.

I also use SuSE. Excellent distro, ESPECIALLY if you're a bit of a configaphobe (I am), and SuSE pretty much manages everything for you; I was really impressed with it's hardware auto-detection, and had a network card and printer up and running in minutes, whereas before I'd have spent two hours on the net and reading a how-to to hack a load of config files.

>I also have Debian 3.0  (Woody)  which uses a different package manager.  It
>too is
>pretty good.   There is a fair amount  of setting up to do,  but some of the
>GNU utilities
>are useful.  I am  inclined to learn the Debian route because it is a true
>GNU non-commercial
>distro, managed (be it ever so slowly) by volunteers.

It's definately for purists though; the setup is the thing which scared me RIGHT off. I'll keep on trying though. 

>I have not tried Slackware.  I think that like Debian it is well-loved by
>the purists.
>I have also tried FreeBSD UNIX.  It has a few different conventions, but is
>very like LINUX.
>I am looking for the best Pascal Compiler.  I used to use Borland Turbo
>Pascal 7.0, but that
>only runs under DOS.  I write numerical/algorithmic  progs.  The latest one
>takes GPS
>(National Grid Reference) OS Map references taken on the Gloucestershire
>Railway, and computes the  parameters of curved track for laying out our
>concrete sleepers.

Have you tried GCC? Well, more precisely I think it's GPC, the GNU Pascal Compiler. It probably offers the most flexibility compared to other compilers, but that's a blind statement in the dark from my side. 

>All the best to all the Gang for a Happy Christmas.

I've not met any of you (that I know of...), happy christmas anyway!


>Geoff Bagley.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Phil Ironside <phil@creativespaces.co.uk>
>To: malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk <malvern@mailman.lug.org.uk>
>Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:13 PM
>Subject: [Malvern] Suse 8.1
>>Just got SuSE 8.1 impressed or what. I'm not used to outbursts but well
>>is a good one. I was very impressed with their attitude when I spoke to
>>Any one else had a wow from any other distro recently? I still like
>>for that close to the silicon feel its getting good. Its a wonderful linux
>>Oh and Happy Christmas everyone  and a Brill New Year
>>Phil Ironside
>>Malvern mailing list
>Malvern mailing list

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