[Malvern] Suse 8.1

Andrew McKenzie malvern at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Dec 20 15:30:00 2002

Hi i'm new to this group and linux and i was wondering if anyone could help 
me as i am having problems with SuSe 8.1.
(yes it is my modem)
it detects and installs under Yastt2 when installing the OS but i cannot 
actually connect to the net with it.

it's a generic external USB job on SuSe's intialisation on boot, it gets to 
the 'setting up network interfaces' section and the flashes up 'PPP0' as 

The os detects it, the modem, as an SGS Thomson Microelectronics 56k Soft 
Modem, it is device /dev/ttyACM0 with a baud of 150000, and it is set to use 
ppp0, this is the only Network connecter i have as i have removed my nic as 
i no longer have a home lan.
but when i try to dail my freeserve anytime account the taskbar internet 
icon in the right corner flashes briefly and then thats it, nothing.

if any one has any ideas i would be very grateful, thanks.

other than this problem i find Suse is really good, much easier on the eyes 
than mandrake 7.

Andy Mc

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