FW: [Malvern] Streaming radio.

Ian Pascoe ianpascoe at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 21 20:02:55 GMT 2006

Hi Geoff

The Beeb streams all of it's radio programming through Real, but is also
beginning to dual source some stations with WMA.


-----Original Message-----
From: malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:malvern-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Stuart
Sent: 20 November 2006 22:19
To: Geoff Bagley; Malvern LUG
Subject: Re: [Malvern] Streaming radio.

Hi again Geoff,

> Thanks for the reply, and the guidance.
> In case you are not aware, I am attempting to learn the Welsh language.
> I can't find a local tutor,  so I want to receive Radio Cymru.
> This is not my favourite channel,  too much crappy pop-music,
> but there are odd bits of good quality spoken Welsh at times.

I assume that the link at the top of the page
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cymru/ will get you some streaming content. The
reason I say 'assume' is that when I click the link I get some streaming
  content but it's all Greek to me! (Welsh actually but you get my
drift!!)  :)

> I don't even know yet where I can access this channel - I imagine that
> it is possible.
> The first step is to organise the capability to receive internet radio.

When I just tested it, I couldn't tell what kind of stream I was
getting, mplayer just played it! However, from prior experience that it
will be either Microsoft WMA or Real Player. Unfortunately, the beeb
don't seem to stream any free formats.

> There is also a Linux-radio channel from Jono Bacon up in Wolverhampton.
> Any experience of this ?  I don't particularly wish to stream pop music,
> but I
> guess that the technology is similar.

I think what you are thinking off is LUGRadio (http://www.lugradio.org/)
which is a downloadable 'podcast' rather than a streamed radio. Well
worth listening too, with some very lively debates of free
software/Linux topics. You can download both MP3 and OGG formats from
the site or a mirror. However, beware (as they say at the start of
nearly every episode) the 'podcast' will contain swearing!

Hope that helps a little.

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