[Newark] A few things worth discussing...

Chris Burton Chris at 7of9b.org
Sun Jul 22 20:09:31 BST 2007


> As - some of you - know, I was able to attend LugRadio Live this year,
> despite my health problems and came back with load of free tat. Hopefully
> the K/Ed/Ubuntu CDs I bought back will help with any event we plan - I 
> dunno
> if it's worth trying to get some more stuff or not.

Giving the tat away might save it from the landfill for a while atleast ;). 
Does the LUG currently have the resources to put together an event this 
year? I have no idea what the state of the LUG is other than it coming back 
to life fairly recently. I know from helping run Tyneside LUG it takes a 
fair amount of work and running around to pull events off.

> Also - does anyone (I'm looking at Craig now) have any thoughts towards
> having a social gathering sometime over the next month?

Have there been any other meets previously? Where would be the proposed 
location of the meetings?

> And - finally, does anyone have preference on the wiki for our LUG's
> website. I was thinking media wiki as it is what wikipedia uses and people
> will likely trust that.

DokuWiki might be worth looking at. Its a lot less hastle and lighter 
compared to mediawiki IMO.


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