[Newark] Re: Newark Digest, Vol 2, Issue 1

Craig Lynch c.m.lynch87 at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 23 21:31:12 BST 2007

>Does the LUG currently have the resources to put together an event this
lol heh, we have the grand total of 0 useful resources at the moment..
We could get a list of what we have thats useful on here:

>I have no idea what the state of the LUG is other than it coming back
>to life fairly recently. I know from helping run Tyneside LUG it takes a
>fair amount of work and running around to pull events off.
Its pretty dire to be honest, we have no idea if there are enough people
interested to a get a meet off anyway..

> Also - does anyone (I'm looking at Craig now) have any thoughts towards
> having a social gathering sometime over the next month?
Yeah, I've thought about asking a few of the bars and such around town how
much they'd charge for the use of their function room (+projector to hook up
a box for some demonstrations etc.)

Of the few people I've got that are interested - I think the best way to
start would be to have a meet basically explaining what GNU/Linux is and
then going on to show a little of what it can do.. (aka grab a hold of some
videos of windows doing functions such media centre and then going to linux
and showing one of its equivalents

>Have there been any other meets previously? Where would be the proposed
>location of the meetings?
I've had a few thoughts about places for meets,
so far I've come up with the Crown & Mitre (not sure about the crowd that go
in there tho'.. quite a few travellers <rant>why they call 'em travellers
anyway - they never fsckin leave!!</rant> go in there)

I have emailed the dudes who were at the bearings building linux based
servers & networks, but never got an answer.. Assuming they've keeled over..

Did ask an barman at the atrium whether they'd consider letting us use the
space in their bar.. but didn't get a useful answer, (maybe we could get
Adam to clarify Chris?)

Other than that  - I guess we just need to ask around the bars and such..

> And - finally, does anyone have preference on the wiki for our LUG's
> website. I was thinking media wiki as it is what wikipedia uses and people
> will likely trust that.
>DokuWiki might be worth looking at. Its a lot less hastle and lighter
>compared to mediawiki IMO.

After reading through the testimonials, features and such for DokuWiki, I
have to agree, it may be a lot less hassle.. +1 for DokuWiki

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