[Nottingham] Upgrade questions

BUNTER MATTHEW nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Dec 11 10:53:01 2002

--- Re=E7u de       VITEUR.BUNTERMA 04 72 96 57 77             11/12/02 =


I've got a little Libretto that I'm going to use to play around with -
learn to actually compile a kernel, play with MySQL - stuff like that.

The existing kernel is 2.2.14 from RH6.2 so I downloaded the latest -
2.2.23. I have not touched (upgraded) any of the packages already
installed. E.g. automake is at 1.4-6. Can I just use the latest rpm of a=
already installed package? I'm a bit worried that I'll upgrade something
that works with the 2.4 kernel but I'll be using a 2.2 kernel (no I don'=
want to put 2.4 on the Libretto - I have had problems in the past).

I've got about 200 packages installed (my playing will also involve
reducing the installed packages) and I would like to upgrade all that
remain after the purge.



P.S. If any of this isn't clear or I haven't supplied enough info please
let me know.

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