NLUG Links page (Was: [Nottingham] Basford Nottingham computer shop)

Duncan John Fyfe nottingham at
Tue Apr 29 09:50:01 2003

On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Duncan John Fyfe wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Simon Huggins wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 02:15:51PM +0100, Martin wrote:
> > > OK, so who's the NLUG webmaster, and where's CompuPlus...?
> >
> > Well you can always use the Wiki or pester Paul Sladen.
> >
> I'm in the process of updating the web pages (adding a local
> links bit etc) but I'm being a bit slow about it.
> If your lucky you might see something by the end of the week.
> So keep those 'local links' rolling in (via the mailing list
> please).

Replying to myself, always a bad sign...

I need some feedback on how to judge what links are fit for adding to
the web page.

What do people consider local ?
I'm thinking NG post codes only but there are bound to be exceptions.


on what basis should I accept/decline requests for linking ?
1.	Would you please add a link for mycompany@nottingham. I have
	never contributed to the group but would like some free advertising.
	Yae, or Nae ?

2.	I offer 'free software' based solutions through myconsultancy@nottingham.
	I have made a significant contribution to the group (well, they bought
	me a beer at the last meeting ;)
	Yae, or Nae ?

4.      I offer 'free software' based solutions through mytoasterrunslinux@nottingham.
        I have not contributed to the lug.
        Yae, or Nae ?

3.	Paul (subs@rydertech) has asked for to be listed on the
	basis of future hadrware provision.  Looking at the website they offer lots
	of services other than hardware but I havn't found a mention of 'free software'
	being used.
	Yae or Nae ?

My inclination is to judge things on individual contributions to the lug and or
promotion of free software and the community .

	would make the grade. They supply hardware, we all need that and they
	are pretty much software neutral.
	would qualify because it is local and we all like Paul.

	would not (sorry) because as it stands the hardware is a side-line for a company
	whose main business does not (obviously) promote the use of free software and
	might draw business away from those who do.

thoughts ?

Have fun,

Duncan John Fyfe          X-ray Astronomy Group,
                          Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635    University of Leicester,
E-mail  University Road,
                          Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.