[Nottingham] Idea for funds

Duncan John Fyfe nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Feb 25 11:15:01 2003

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Godfrey Nix wrote:

> Hi,
> To open an account, any entity needs not only an identity, but proof of i=
> For a real person that comes in the shape of birth certificate and such.
> In the case of a group, it requires 'articles of association'  and electe=
=09=09=09=09 that's the phrase I was scrabbling for.

> officers, which in turn requires formal membership.
> I am not sure yet that we are ready for that move.

I'm not sure we are ready either but I also feel this could turn out to be =
a chicken and egg situation.

We need the money to make the next step <=3D> We need the bank account to g=
et the money.

I don't think it would be difficult to put together a draft 'articles of as=
sociation' but defining a constitution (what constitutes membership, how ar=
e the executive (secretary, treasurer etc) appointed) will probably involve=
 some heated discussions.  I'll put together a draft as a starting point (w=
ell, I'll hack one I was involved in writing many years ago).

AFAIK Joe Wrigley's suggestion of a joint account doesn't work.  I've done =
the joint account thing in flats before and the money in it belongs to the =
account holders.  What we are after is a place for money which was taken on=
 behalf of the lug (however that is defined).

To add food for thought...
=09A room for a formal meeting costs between 0 and 25 GBP.
=09Social meetings cost to the LUG is 0.
=09Last meeting we raised ~ 22 (=A31 each) of which 12.50 went on the room =
leaving us with ~9.50 GBP - I'll give an exact figure when I take it out th=
e bag and count it.  I'm going to go and spend some of it on a ledger to ke=
ep the accounts in.

Based on a statistic of 1, we will hopefully receive donations in excess of=
 what we need to run the formal events.  What would people like to see any =
excess spent on ?

Ideas are:
=09A larger venue to run a linux install day later in the year.
=09Equipment (eg. LCD projector - a long term plan I know)
=09Fund a Tux beer ;)
=09Pay speakers to visit us (eg. travel costs)
=09Subsidise a bus to LinuxExpo or UKUUG meeting ?
=09Build an ultra-orbital laser (with furry dice) and take over the world ?


> Greetings,
> Godfrey Nix
> On Monday 24 February 2003  7:50 pm, Mike Martin wrote:
> > What do people think of the idea of setting up formal banking
> > arrangements for the LUG?
> >
> >
> >
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Have fun,

Duncan John Fyfe          X-ray Astronomy Group,
                          Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635    University of Leicester,
E-mail djf@star.le.ac.uk  University Road,
                          Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.