[Nottingham] Re: February
Duncan John Fyfe
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 22 20:55:01 2003
> Marcel Taylor wrote:
> [...]
> > I'm a member of a chess club. We each pay in a membership fee. We pay out
> > rent and association fees. We pay for chess equipment. We have a treasurer
> to
> > collect the money and keep the accounts. We have officials to carry out
> > functions. We have an AGM to organise ourselves. Does NLUG need this kind
> of
> > organisation?
At the moment all we have is a mailing list, a web site, the good will of the people and a fun rapidly growing event list for the coming year. As it stands there is no membership other than those who subscribe to the mailing list and I don't propose trying to charge people for that.
If a suitable free venue were available I would happily use it.
We have used (before my time) the Dunkirk community centre. Then in early 2002 we had numerous discussions about alternative (usually City centre) venues. With no real conclusion to the discussions the last winter's presentations ended up at Chilwell Methodist church because my wife is a steward there, it is cheap, and I could book it at short notice.
> An alternative is to use an alternative venue, say to a pub that offers
> a meeting room for free, whereby charges are not incurred and everything
> can stay informal.
> There's a number of pubs that may be suitable nearby in Beeston.
> (The pub idea does impose a 'tax' in that we will be obliged to enjoy
> ourselves with a beer or few (:-))
Much as I would like to hold the meetings in the back of a pub there is at least one not insignificant member of the group who does not frequent pubs so we don't do it.
> > What does IMHO mean?
> In My Humble Opinion
sorry Marcel, I was on auto pilot.
You may find <url:http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/>
a usefull point of reference.
> In My Honest Opinion
> It My Happen 'Orrible
> ...
> Cheers,
> Martin
Have fun