[Nottingham] Opensource devel environment?

Colin Saxton colin.saxton at ntlworld.com
Thu Sep 25 09:44:37 BST 2003

  From what I have seen the kde/qt environment for gui programming is
moving towards a more standard multiplatform but you might consider
using java!! Don't laugh everyone!

Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org) is a great IDE with some professional
plugins available for free...I would go as far to say that it is
unbeaten when it comes to java development. IBM's new widget api is also
more responsive than Sun Swing components and its starting to gain
momentum on all platforms...

You could write the core of your components using GNU C (KDeveloper is a
good ide and its installed on most linux systems as standard) and then
link into Java GUI using JNI.  If you have yet to use Java then now is
the time...It can save an age in coding projects.

Good Luck ;)

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