[Nottingham] Secuirty talk

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Feb 10 11:59:39 GMT 2004

Duncan, James (Retail) wrote:
> My server security talks are turning into ******beasts**.  These stand =

> at 90 =96 120 mins with handouts so far, having also expanded into soci=
al =

> as well as technicall techniques.  =

Sounds good and interesting, but this must be kept 'light' to inspire =

people into digging deeper for themselves. Lead-ins and 'overviews' =

backed up by web links should be a good way to go. Handouts only if =

there is no other way...

> Now obviously I don=92t want people =

> falling to sleep/paper planes/cursing my name/frantically pushing at a =

> locked firedoor ;) etc so it really depends how people are that =

> interested in this =96 should I cut back drastically or keep them info =

Info packed with a high info density to spark enthusiastic discussion to =

geekiefy the pub later!

Part of the art of presentation is in sculpting it to the intended =

audience. Setting a time limit should be seen as being useful to trim =

the data level to present only that which is essential.

Alternatively, Evangelicals have a radically different approach...

> ___________________________ Disclaimer Notice _________________________=
> This message and any attachments are confidential and should only be re=

WOW! A bumkum sig N-times the size of the original message...

I just say wot I say!

All sounds good...


-- =

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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