[Nottingham] Q how to disablle Mandtake 9.2 screen saver

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Jun 5 12:54:21 BST 2004

rwd Nickalls wrote:

>I am running Mandrake 9.2  in the department in an interactive  way which
> the screen to be ON at all times - and I therefore need to stop
>the screen saver cutting in.
>Can anyone tell me how to disable the screen saver? - either permenantly,
>or just 
>perhaps setting the time interval to say, 1000- secs etc would do.
>Which files do I edit, and what exactly do I edit?
>(The screen saver options from the control center do not  do what we want
> Dept anaesthesia,
>City Hospital,
>Nottingham mailing list
>Nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
I've just unchecked the 'Start Screen Saver Automatically' box, in the
Settings section of the: Configure Your Computer/LookNFeel/Screen Saver.
If that help's you, as it worked for me on both Mandrake 9.1 & 9.2.

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