[Nottingham] Re: Linux in Church Office anxiety state

jdel hw68342003 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 6 15:14:14 BST 2004

How I would do it:
{}{}internet{}{}<--->[ADSL Router with filtering and NAT]<--->[hub]<--->{}inside machines and printers{}
give the machines their 10.0.0.x's or 128's and then there's no chance anyone can address them specifically from the outside. 
be careful with the dual boot, it's good for emergency, but if they're shying away from their new software they might just stick with what they're more comfortable with.
the other thing i was wondering is:  do they have a shared drive for storing their documents?  they're not going to have lettered drives anymore are they?..will this be a problem?
i hope that the project works out.  i'm sure they're be a little growing pain but in the end i think you're doing them a huge service by saving them from M$'s limitations and licensing fees and giving them (hopefully) a better understanding of their IT resources.
one day they'll learn to read Man pages and HOWTOs and they'll be that much better off for it.
it's not THAT hard, anyway.  i have every confidence they'll adapt.

James Gibbon <jg at jamesgibbon.com> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 21:15:38 +0100
Michael Leuty wrote:

> James and Peter suggested a separate firewall unit.

I didn't suggest a separate firewall unit, although that's a good solution
if you don't mind spending a bit of money! You could set up a firewall
and NAT (network address translation) on one of the PCs, which would
become an 'Internet server' and share internet access with the other
two PCs. I did exactly this with shorewall myself until I bought my NAT
router (see below), and it worked nicely.

> I will probably get a firewall/router unit to replace the existing simple
> hub. We can then have a trusted network and turn off all the software
> firewalls on the PCs. (Yes?)

Yes, that's what I've done (NAT router with built-in firewall) - works well
and allows me to play with my main desktop machine without depriving
my other two boxes of Internet access.


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