[Nottingham] Social / website / Wireless Router - questions, any recommendations?

Hussein Jodiyawalla hussein at mightymouse.net
Wed Mar 2 21:23:16 GMT 2005

On 2 Mar 2005, at 19:49, Steve Dickman wrote:
> They are about £85.

I just got my WRT54G today from eBuyer (code 45023) for 43.23 inc VAT.  
Just opening the box now!  Soon I'll be playing with Linux 
(http://www.batbox.org/wrt54g-linux.html), possibly some SIP stuff 
(http://sipath.sourceforge.net/), some other alternate firmware 
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/wifi-box/), and definitely kaiStation 

All very exciting, though I'm sure most of it has been covered on this 
list before while I was away from it.  If anyone wants to know more 
there is a comprehensive Wiki here: 

Hussein Jodiyawalla
mightymouse dot net

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