[Nottingham] AMSN, Gnome and Traydoc.

Dalkus dalkus at fyrelizard.com
Sat Mar 26 15:18:16 GMT 2005

Dalkus wrote:

> Hi, recently installed AMSN and have compiled traydoc so that I am 
> able to have the AMSN icon appear in my Gnome docking applet.
> I'm (very) new to using Gnome and am used to using KDE so perhaps this 
> is just a Gnome thing but...
> In KDE, when AMSN has docking enabled I was able to double click the 
> docked icon and AMSN would disappear from my list of open windows and 
> run in the background. This doesn't seem to happen under Gnome dock (I 
> can't find any other method of doing the same through AMSN menus).
> The icon is in the dock, and I have the ability to change my MSN 
> status through it, etc, but I can't get it to run in the background.
> Is this a Gnome thing? Or am I making some mistake?

I have just installed xMule and set it to minimise to the docking tray 
but rather than the icon appearing in the tray when I minimise, it 
simply disappears and i have to kill -9 it.

So, AMSN's icon appears in my Gnome docking tray but doesn't function 
properly and xMule doesn't aappear in the tray at all. I assume this is 
a problem with my gnome dock? Is there something I can do about this? Is 
there something I'm missing?

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