[Nottingham] Response on awareness day

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sat Nov 5 02:44:37 GMT 2005

Godfrey Nix wrote:
> Martin wrote:
>>Michael Simms wrote:
>>>I'm sorry, but this email is not going to be a nice one.
>>And sorry, I think Michael is being far too nice and British.
>>We're going to make the Awareness Days work regardless because a very 
>>small few of us do care.
>>The rest of you freeloaders are welcome to passively free-load.
> I would love to support the Awareness weekend, but cannot get the Friday
> I spend my time supporting Linux (work, school, family and friends) just
> that very little of it is on the list.
> If that makes me a freeloader then so be it.

Godfrey, and others,

The freeloading jibe was to stir those that know or otherwise feel that 
they are freeloading off the volunteer effort that /is/ Linux and also 
similarly wrt our NLUG. It was also a push to those that know that they 
can directly help with a little effort.

You of all people, and others whom know that they contribute in a useful 
way (and know me) know that such a jibe is not applicable to them as it 
just wouldn't make sense.

I'll be adding more when the dust has settled a little. Meanwhile, we're 
now firmly back on track for getting the Awareness Days working.

We've missed one newspaper editorial that would have been good. Let's 
not suffer any further slips. We've now less than a week to make this 
work (and without flyposting!).

For others: Any flames or whatever please direct directly to me offlist 

We've got some Awareness Days to sort out.

Best wishes,

NLUG Secretary

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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