[Nottingham] WMV conversion info needed

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Oct 11 20:18:58 BST 2005

Johannes Kling wrote:

># mencoder -oac help
># mencoder -ovc help
>Note down the available audio and video codecs respectively and pick
>one for each. To start the actual re-encoding, run:
># mencoder source.wmv -oac $audio_code -ovc $video_codec -o target.avi
># mencoder source.wmv -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -o target.avi
>Depending on your machine and the length of the file, you may want to
>get a cup of coffee at this point as it may well take some time to
Thanks Johannes, I will give that a try.

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