[Nottingham] Re: Nottingham Digest, Vol 104, Issue 3

Simon Amor simon at leaky.org
Wed Sep 14 22:05:59 BST 2005

On 14 Sep 2005, at 17:24, David Aldred wrote:

> now habitually highlight any bit I think I may want to respond to -  
> then
> hitting 'reply' brings up a reply window with the quote nicely  
> snipped out
> and the cursor below it for a bottom-posted reply.   If there's  
> more than one

Apple mail does something similar (if you choose the option in the  
prefs). If text is selected and you hit reply, it just includes that  
bit of text, properly quoted.. except the cursor is at the top of it  
and my sig is at the bottom.

Simon Amor
simon at leaky.org

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