[Nottingham] New Year, New Calender, New Venues

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jan 9 18:52:39 GMT 2006

Happy New Year to all!

And here's your chance to say what you want on the NLUG calender for 2006.

A few ideas open for comment:

One new proposal is that we have more frequent socials in Nottingham and 
move the talks/demos out to where we have most of the NLUGers whom are 
more active for those. Beeston is one very obvious concentration with 
readily available venues. A second is Sherwood (what venue?). Others? 
Please say where.

We try for a few 'bigger talks' at the NTU lecture theatre;

Include a few 'hands on' LAN-party/fix-it sessions. What preference is 
there for the weekends as opposed to evenings?

Try for a few visits to places/establishments of interest;

Cheese and Wine social open to all;

Resurrect an infopoint at the local computer fairs;

Awareness Days? This is one event that must be planned and committed to 
a long way in advance, like soonish even now... (Start this one and that 
of promoting Linux and NLUG in a separate thread?)

Any other ideas?

Special mention must be made for Alex whom has generously given up his 
time to make the Sharespace venue in Nottingham available for us for 
what must be a few years now. Special thanks also to the Sharespace 
management for very kindly accommodating this for so long.

We now need to look elsewhere for our city talks. Please let me know 
offlist for ideas.

Next talk is Wed 18/01/2006 at the Star Inn, Beeston to cover "Using 
Linux: Getting Started with Desktops and the Command Line". This will be 
part talk/presentation and part 'have a play'. Definitely for new 
"Newbies" and experienced newbies alike. Bring your hints and tips.

It's your group,


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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