[Nottingham] Apache setup issues

Michael Erskine perl at tecspy.com
Mon Mar 27 09:48:10 BST 2006

pat wrote:
>  It says "Couldn't
> display dav://admin@localhost/uploads".

Is your desktop capable of handling _any_ webdav URIs? Try your web 
browser instead. I haven't read the article you refer to so I couldn't 
comment on the Apache installation.

> I have changed, tested, 
> enabled different bits in different locations and have forgotten some of 
> what I have changed now.  I have the urge to uninstall the program and 
> re-install so that it is back to the original state, but I haven't found 
> an easy way to uninstall stuff as yet either.

On a Debian-based system you'd be in easy 
install/uninstall/configure/reconfigure territory. I can't comment on 
SuSe installation - haven't used it since 7.2. Pipe up any SuSe experts!

Michael Erskine.

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