[Nottingham] how to proceed

James Gibbon jg at jamesgibbon.com
Sun Sep 3 20:33:03 BST 2006

On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:41:40 +0100
John <stellafan at jjsh.org> wrote:

> My current set-up on this machine is as follows; Primary HD on the 1st 
> IDE channel, 2nd on the, er, 2nd. XP on the 1st, Linux on the 2nd. The 
> boot loader (Grub?) is on the 1st. My plan is to drop to an XP recovery 
> console, 'repair' the MBR, then toast the 2nd drive and finally go 
> through the XUbuntu install process. I've got 80 GB of data on the 
> primary, that I don't really want to have to shove over a wireless  
> network to my NAS. Obviously, I'm taking a risk here, but that aside, 
> does this sound like a good plan of action?


You don't need to repair the MBR or toast the 2nd drive - you can slap in
the Xubuntu CD and take it from there. The partitioner is nice'n'intuitive,
and the installer will just overwrite the old grub setup.

But as someone has already pointed out, you can just install xfce into

I've been using Xubuntu for a few days, and find it a bit iffy - due to
underlying Debian issues though, really. Never particularly liked Debian,
I'm afraid - the most recent source of irritation is the fact that the
runlevels from 2-5 are duplicates, meaning that you can't simply change
the default to avoid running X - which is a bit crap.


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