[Nottingham] ubuntu 8:10 - the 'yawn' version

Iain Lane iain at orangesquash.org.uk
Thu Nov 6 15:05:19 UTC 2008

On 6 Nov 2008, at 14:37, ForkBombFluf wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Alan Pope wrote:
>> 2008/11/6 ForkBombFluf <fluf at freeshell.org>:
>>> Hey, if nothing else, the ibex wallpaper is more bad-a$$ than the
>>> artsy-fartsy psycodelic heron, right?
>> I have a T-shirt with that heron logo on it. On one occasion someone
>> asked "is that a Paul Smith top?" and at least 3 times I've had  
>> people
>> tell me it was a nice shirt with no prompting. Most people don't
>> realise it's a geek shirt at all, the logo and name is hidden on the
>> back along the neck line.
>> Cheers,
>> Al.
> Canonical have *just* done a limited run of one with an ibex, too.
> Andy's added one to his wardrobe of funky shirts.  Personally, the  
> ibex's
> massive horns do more for me than the curlified heron's bill did,  
> but to
> each his own. ;-)
> I'm holding out for Jaunty Jackalope next year...  That one I will  
> *have*
> to have!
> See ya,
> -Stef

Is that this <http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php? 
products_id=274>? I was kinda hoping for one with the Ibex on it,  
similar to the Hardy one. :(


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