[Nottingham] OpenOffice vs MS Office [Was: "Big Name" DistrosUpdate]

Chris Hayes cbhworld at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 15:30:04 UTC 2009

Hm.. From my perspective, I did all my coursework in sixth form using
OpenOffice and Inkscape and GIMP and while using OpenOffice I never
encountered any of the rather worrying issues that have been mentioned
previously in this thread. It just worked. The only thing I remember in
OpenOffice being a problem were some annoying bugs in OpenOffice Base - but
luckily that was nothing to do with my course, I was just playing with that
in my own time for the sake of it.

I'm just a little curious as to how long ago these horror stories are from
because I do recall I few problems with OpenOffice when I first was getting
into Linux - but nothing (aside from a shaky DB app) for many years now.

Chris Hayes
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