[Nottingham] Nottingham Digest, Vol 289, Issue 3

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 17:03:40 UTC 2009

2009/4/20 Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk>:
> Graeme Fowler wrote:
> [---]
>> "Never argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and
>> beat you with experience."
> That one is very true!
> (Note: General comment and not applicable to this thread. Constructive
> critique and suggestions always welcomed!)
> Aside: A certain Beeston Beers regular has since suggested that we split
> the list into a "techie & help" list and an "announcements" list... Good
> thought but do we really have so much 'noise' on the list? I think
> better is for the list users to go to the (small) trouble of filtering
> on the title headings however they might wish. For example, filtering on
> '\[(social)|(food)|(beer)\]' (case insensitive) should remove most of
> whatever 'noise'...

Agreed. I don't really get separate "announce" lists. Email titles on
this list are generally pretty descriptive.
Anyone that doesn't want to read lots of mail about where to go for
food should be less obsessively about reading *every* email they
receive... Do such people also read their spam and reply asking for
more sensible emails?

Joshua Lock

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