[Nottingham] Nottingham Digest, Vol 289, Issue 3

Michael Leuty mike at leuty.net
Mon Apr 20 17:27:51 UTC 2009

2009/4/20 Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk>:
> Aside: A certain Beeston Beers regular has since suggested that we split
> the list into a "techie & help" list and an "announcements" list... Good
> thought but do we really have so much 'noise' on the list?

Not an aside at all. I think the burden of the original post in this
thread was that this list is all about fixing up meetings rather than
computing matters.

As a lurker who has never (yet) been to a meeting I'm quite happy with
just the one list.

Computing stuff appears on the list quite regularly, and frequently
shoots way above my head. But I've had helpful advice here, and it's
fascinating studying the different approaches to life shewn by the
list-members. (I just have to remember not to let my cage get

Michael Leuty
Nottingham, UK

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