[Nottingham] Considering the last talk...

Sergiusz Pawlowicz sergiusz at pawlowicz.name
Sat Apr 30 15:21:41 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 16:03, Paul Tew <binarybod at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-04-30 at 12:37 +0100, Sergiusz Pawlowicz wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 11:41, Paul Tew <binarybod at gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> You just need to be aware that if someone uses your IP address to download
>> some unlawful material then the police would be reasonable in suspecting
>> that you did it.
> "unlawful materials" - i have heard it many time during communism in poland.
> I used the term 'unlawful material' in a deliberate attempt to avoid using
> terminology that is pretty distasteful to a great number of people (hence
> the reason it is unlawful). I certainly don't use it as a euphemism for
> anything the police or other instrument of officialdom might consider to be
> subversive (which is what I think you were inferring). If you want to know
> the kind of thing I mean, then the principle piece of legislation in England
> and Wales is Section 1 of The Protection of Children Act 1978
> (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1978/37 ) although there are other bits
> of legislation in a similar vein.
> Usually when people see for the first time, the kind of thing I have to look
> at on a daily basis, it makes them feel sick.

It is pathetic, when the government kills children every day in
Afghanistan, for ten years right now, that the system is designed to
protect children. And that few sick people are used to close the
freedom to access the internet.


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