[Nottingham] VirtualBox

James Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 16 18:41:12 UTC 2011

On 16/07/2011 19:15, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 16/07/11 14:19, James Moore wrote:
>> hmmm... performance isn't really an issue for me, I'm on a quad core.  I
>> was more concerned with stability, particularly concerning dynamic
>> partitions and journaling (virtual) filesystems.
> Never had an issue at all (always used EXT4 or NTFS), but then I've not
> been setting up very detailed partitions on the virtual drive.
> Performance with the dynamic size isn't so much a factor of CPU, but how
> things respond to the virtual driver re-reporting it's size to the guest
> kernel.

mkay... well, my plan is to host on win7 and use the piggyback feature 
on VB to run Linux, Mac OS, XP and possibly a DOS-based OS such as 98SE 
(easily the most... stable... from that stable), mostly from the 
viewpoint of solving compatibility issues with older programs and device 
drivers (I have a scanner that's portable and bus powered that doesn't 
work in win7 and barely in XP so I'll be going with 98SE with that one, 
and my mum's iphone when she brings that down I'll be accessing in as 
close to native an environment as I can (Mac OS X)). There's also the 
issue of my favourite database not being compatible with anything newer 
than Win2K so there'll be a couple Gig for that as well. Space not an 
issue, this laptop has half a terabyte (but I don't like wasted space).

As data goes, I need to find a way of running a common data partition 
that doesn't require a ghost network driver and a mapped network share, 
as this knocks my wireless out :x

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