[Nottingham] A note to gmail users (and others)
martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Dec 11 13:29:08 UTC 2013
I completely agree.
My main points are my annoyance at the "In typical fashion, there is no
way to appeal such a ruling..." and also that you can be blacklisted
through completely no fault of your own just from spammers forging your
email or domain address.
For most people, if they fall victim to such problems, the only option
available to them is to reinvent themselves...
Meanwhile, there does seem to be an uptick in the problem and volume of
spam and malware emails flying around...
For this example, LWN do look to be lax for their mail setup but I don't
think that is the full problem...
I guess my main point is that such as gmail should offer an accessible
way to prove your email is Human rather than forcing everyone into their
webmail system and to join gmail to communicate with other gmail users...
On 11/12/13 12:41, Roger Light wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Whilst you're casting the blame on gmail, we don't know why it is
> being marked as spam.
> One reason could be that people receiving emails from lwn have marked
> it as spam. If sufficient people do that, then google begins to regard
> lwn as a spam sender.
> More importantly, lwn is badly configured.They have an SPF DNS record,
> but it is invalid. If google ignores the invalid components then the
> final result is essentially "there are no addresses that can send
> email for this domain". If they don't ignore the invalid components
> they may treat it as a badly configured server (which it is) and
> penalise it.
> When I started using email on a fresh domain all of my emails ended up
> in the gmail spam folder. After adding a valid SPF record and ensuring
> that reverse DNS was correct and whatever else that I can't remember,
> I was no longer relegated to spam. No need to reinvent myself, just
> fix my server. I'm not saying it is that easy in all cases, but it is
> in some.
> Cheers,
> Roger
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> This mirrors some of the unfortunate silliness I've been seeing recently
>> for various emails...
>> Note that some ISPs use gmail for their email regardless of whether you
>> might know or not...
>> LWN: A note to gmail users
>> http://lwn.net/Articles/576335/
>> "Google has, in its wisdom, decreed that email coming from lwn.net is
>> spam and is no longer delivering it to gmail users. In typical fashion,
>> there is no way to appeal such a ruling..."
>> There's some good discussion in the comments but in essence, my reading
>> is that if you fall foul of such anti-spam measures, then there is
>> nothing you can usefully do as an individual other than reinvent
>> yourself, or wait and pray to whatever deity...
>> ... And unfortunately our very own maillist sees similar problems for
>> some users on certain some ISPs... :-(
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
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