[Nottingham] Berners-Lee said “Go for it” (internet)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jan 29 21:23:06 UTC 2013

>> Indeed, Go For It! :-)
> If I was smart enough I might understand this thing called the "DarkNet".

Oh, that one is easy. It's your choice as to whether you use the OED or
Mirriam Websters or your own little list of what words are... That all
works fine so long as we cooperatively use the same list of meanings.

The root servers for DNS are just widely accepted as being the one
dictionary for internet addresses. Separately, I have my own list for my
own local lan for example. You can have your own listings in that list
if you let me know and I serve out query results...

> Then there's "BitCoin".

I'm rather unsure about the abstract basis for that currency... Clever,
but still highly virtual for the money supply... It all looks to be a
game of who has the biggest baddest GPU farm...

> And Tor.

They're up in Scotland are they not? Lots of 'em! Come with snow on!!



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