[Nottingham] NHS care.data ('Anonymized' data really isn't - and here's why not)

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 08:41:32 UTC 2014

On 26/03/14 19:12, Martin wrote:
[Missed this bit at the bottom]
> My personal opinion is that your medical records should remain your
> personal data... There is huge scope for abuse otherwise...
I am perfectly comfortable with medical professionals, academic
researchers having access in order to do research; for the simple fact
that I get some benefit too. Heck, I may even be OK with pharma
companies getting access so they can figure out drug interactions
(reporting of these by isn't uniform) and other issues.

What I am not comfortable with is it being sold for a profit and
especially not to companies who have no need for medical data like that.
I'm not worried about the "profit" bit (making money isn't evil) but
it's the other uses that data will be put to. Is it possible that the
data could be correlated to my browsing? Thus to my IP? To my
(non-existent) Facebook account?

Keep it in the medical community. Insurance companies (to name one) are
not in the "medical community" IMHO.

And stop turning the NHS into the travesty that the USA has. What we
have isn't perfect, but it's one heck of a lot better (and costs the
state half as much as the USA's private system).

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