[Nottingham] Asus board .... (Linux on Asus Z170 PC motherboard)

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Thu Jul 14 20:01:16 UTC 2016

On 14/07/16 18:31, Martin via Nottingham wrote:

> On 14/07/16 17:01, Barry Drake via Nottingham wrote:
>> Cougar extreme are building my replacement computer.  They no longer
>> have a Linux buff to replace Patrick who was a Linux user.  They've
>> offered an Asus Z170 super gaming board.  Great spec, but any
>> compatibility problems anyone here knows of?  None of the Linux sites
>> I've tried recognise that board.  Anyone know anything about it?

Thanks Martin.  I got all of them on Dogpile, except the one that gives 
Linux compatibility.  That's saved me a lot of anguish.

I'd never come across that seach engine, With the name Drake, I should 
have done.  I'm looking forward to getting to one of your meetings this 
summer? Summer!!!!  But at the moment, I have a very heavy meeting every 
Monday late afternoon, and it's so heavy, I have to sit with a large 
black coffee, and unwind for half an hour before I feel safe to drive 
from Bridgford to Colwick.

Kind regards,		Barry.

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