[Nottingham] [Other] *THURSDAY* is the day to *VOTE*
martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jun 27 16:23:59 UTC 2016
On 25/06/16 13:20, Jason Irwin via Nottingham wrote:
> On 24/06/16 23:09, Kev Maggs via Nottingham wrote:
>> I don't know where you lot have been! but some of the opinions expressed
>> on this mailing list give me cause for concern.
Quite right too that we keep Politics and Marketing and recruiting
agencies off this list. There are other far better places for that sort
of stuff.
(Fine for non-agency job postings that have a direct local connection to
NLUG and/or Nottingham and surrounding area.)
For Brexit, there is a lot more to this than just politics...
> In what way? For me personally, being out of the EU is deeply
> concerning. ...
This will likely affect my working and travel. Some people I have known
for a long time are rather worried for what next being as they have "the
wrong passport"...
Note that in IT and on the internet, we largely forget about geographic
boarders... (And certain people I work with are so used to that freedom
that they too often forget the world is round with differing time
zones... But that's another thread!)
>> Have you not listened to the views of the British people?
> Yes, been kinda hard to avoid that.
>> I guess you're going to ask for a second referendum, so you can get
>> your own way.
> This was the second referendum. Asking people to keep voting until they
> get the "right" answer is an abuse of process. We didn't need this
> referendum at all and only got it because Cameron was too weak to
> control infernal party politics. The handbags at dawn for the
> out-of-touch 1% has now impacted us all.
>> Well it's not going to happen. We are Out!
> Yes we are and when you look at the voting, you can basically see the
> class divide in England. Whilst I understand the need to give the
> establishment kicking (and I'm not against that, UK politics is far too
> London/finance centric), I don't think this was the right vote to try
> and do it in. ...
I do wonder if this was more a sound-bites protest vote.
And to think that some of our politicians have openly admitted that they
lied and then have just walked off shrugging their shoulders of the
> Twitter. ...
These Twitter summaries look rather apt:
Joy and despair at Brexit - in five words
"How do I tell the cats?" - the world reacts to #Brexit online
5 Social Media Trends After Brexit Vote
... So, it's back to good old British baked beans and toast, or the even
more traditional bread and dripping?...
> No one really knows what will happen to the UK long-term. We will
> certainly suffer short-term as the uncertainty impacts trades. IT
> vendors are already cancelling contracts (as reported in The Register).
There is a lot of work to do to undo 40+ years of profitable integration
of our highly interconnected world.
> The only thing we can do now is continue to voice our discontent if we
> so choose (this is still a democracy of sorts) and try to make the best
> of this.
Hopefully we can make some positive noises amidst all the thrashings at
Quite a revolution? It has cost one life so far. Hopefully we can pull
back from USA-style Xenophobia...
Might we be given an offer we cannot refuse to be bailed out only to
then become in effect a part of the USA?...
All a crazy game if it wasn't real!
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