[Nottingham] [Other] *THURSDAY* is the day to *VOTE*

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jun 27 22:38:12 UTC 2016

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On 27/06/16 17:23, Martin via Nottingham wrote:
> I do wonder if this was more a sound-bites protest vote.
> And to think that some of our politicians have openly admitted that
> they lied and then have just walked off shrugging their shoulders
> of the consequences!...

Well... To my personal observation and personal view:

Some of the more notable deliberately controversial media-seeking
voices look to me as though they were just having a publicity-grabbing
laugh at everyone else's expense:

Brexit: Silence from Leave camp leaves options in the air

... Having achieved their goal of a Brexit, the leaders of the Leave
campaign suddenly went quiet. Boris Johnson spent Saturday playing
cricket. Dan Hannan, a Conservative MEP and relentless user of Twitter
to advance the case for Brexit, declared he was quitting the social
media site for a month...

... Mr Hannan said Britain might still allow free movement of labour
to retain access to the single market; Iain Duncan Smith, the former
minister, disavowed a promise to divert an alleged £350m a week EU
budget contribution to the NHS...

The options include:

... Trading under WTO rules This would be the default option, which
governs trade, for example, between the US and the EU. Tariffs and
non-tariff barriers would apply and economists believe this to be the
most damaging option. It is also unclear whether Britain could adopt
the existing tariff, quota and subsidy schedule from the EU. If not,
it would have to negotiate a new schedule with 161 other countries.

Reality Check: Have Leave campaigners changed their minds?

On the fifth day after the referendum in which the UK voted to leave
the European Union...

Mr Johnson denied a victory for Leave could be linked to immigration...

... MEP Daniel Hannan insisted the public had not been misled over how
much control the country would have over immigration post-Brexit.

... "Frankly, if people watching think that they have voted and there
is now going to be zero immigration from the EU, they are going to be

... The [Leave] campaign claim: We send £350m a week to Brussels,
which could be spent on the NHS instead.

The current claim: The claim was a mistake, and we will not be able to
spend that much extra on the NHS...

... The [Leave] campaign claim: The UK does not need preferential
access to the single market.

The current claim: The UK should get preferential access to the single
market but will not have to accept freedom of movement to get it...

... The UK can certainly aim to secure such a deal.

But no country so far has managed a deal that allows full preferential
access to the single market without having to accept freedom of movement.

So... We have been "had"?!...


Nicola Sturgeon: 'Project Farce has begun'

Nicola Sturgeon has accused Boris Johnson of being responsible for the
start of "Project Farce" as the fallout continues from last week's
Brexit vote.

She was responding to Mr Johnson stating that "Project Fear was over"
- - a reference to the supposed "scare tactics" used by the Remain side.

Scotland voted to remain in the EU but the UK as a whole voted to leave.

Ms Sturgeon is to ask Holyrood on Tuesday to give her a mandate to
negotiate with the EU...

Shame that the public face of politics is ever more an epitome of
silly TV-soap-opera rather than something more professional and inspiring.

What next?

Indeed 'bridges' and 'repairs' need to be quickly and clearly made.

Best wishes to all,

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