[Nottingham] WPA2 is falling

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 13:05:55 UTC 2017

On 17/10/17 13:05, John wrote:
> 'Smart' TVs ? They'll just expect you to buy a new one. And that will
> still have a shed load of other vulnerabilities ..

> Can someone get onto Virgin (other shit ISP's are available) ? Good luck
> with getting them to roll out a firmware update. Mind you, my ASUS AP
> has not been patched yet.
Meh, I only use their garbage as the modem.

In shock news, it seems MS and Apple had the patches out before any
GNU/Linux distro. No idea about Android, although the OEMs/carriers will
probably be the cause of the major delays.

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