[Phpwm] Upgrading PHP Version on server.

Elliot Smith elliot at townx.org
Tue Dec 5 11:01:55 GMT 2006

Elliot Smith wrote:
> Chris Allen wrote:
>> I am about to upgrade the version of PHP on a server and need the 
>> advice of as many gurus as possible, hence me posting on this list ;)
>> The company linux server hosts websites for about 60 clients, and I 
>> need to make the right choice so I don't break anything.
>> The version at the moment is 4.1.2 (OLD!!) and the link to the 
>> phpinfo is:
>> http://www.cms.istl.com/phpinfo.php
>> But this is too old for the new framework I am using (codeigniter) as 
>> this requires a minimum of 4.3 to run.
>> I am trying to decide on which version is best to upgrade to, ideally 
>> it would be v5.2, which is the very latest official release, but I am 
>> thinking that could potentially cause problems with old code? I have 
>> no idea exactly what php code is on the server, but I do know that 
>> there is a complex invoice application running.
> As I understand it, you can run PHP 5 in PHP 4 compatibility mode, 
> which should mean old PHP code continues to run as normal. It's not 
> something I've tried myself. The directive is called:
> zend.ze1_compatibility_mode
> and should be set to 1 in php.ini to turn it on. You might also have a 
> look at:
> http://www.zend.com/manual/migration5.php.
> Elliot
One other thought: you could install both and turn PHP 5 on selectively 
for individual hosts or applications in subdirectories, e.g. by adding 
this line to .htaccess (if on Apache):

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php

(At least, this is how I do it on my hosting.)

>> Would it be safe to upgrade to v4.4.4, which is the latest of the 
>> 'fours', or would it be wise to make the jump to the 'fives'?
>> I hold my breath and await your words of wisdom :)
>> Chris.
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