[Phpwm] PHP Gallery + PHP-BB

Rob Allen rob at akrabat.com
Mon Feb 13 14:14:48 GMT 2006

On 13/02/2006 12:28, Peter Graham wrote:
> I was thinking about integrating this Gallery into the Telford College
> Intranet http://gallery.menalto.com/. Have any of you guys used it
> before? What do you think or do you recommend some alternative gallery
> solution?

I last looked at Gallery around version 1. Gallery v2 is out now I
believe, but as I personally never liked the look and feel of Gallery 1,
I stopped keeping track of it.

Another photo gallery solution I've heard of is Singapore at
http://www.sgal.org/, though I've never use that one either.

> Does anyone use PHP-BB as part of there sites/intranets, I have been
> spending quite a bit of time modifying it recently (also for the college
> intranet), I would also be interested to hear peoples
> experiences/opinions of it.

PHP BB appears to release security updates very often and more and more
seem to be found. Personally I wouldn't use it. If you do, then I echo
David's view that using a Linux distributors version "out of the box"
would be wise to make handling of updates easier.

There are many forums out there. FUDforum (http://fudforum.org) seems
well respected as is the Simple Machines one
(http://www.simplemachines.org/). Sitepoint uses vBulletin which is
nice, but it costs 90 quid.


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