[Phpwm] installing ZIP functions

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Thu Oct 19 14:03:59 BST 2006

On 10/18/06, Dave Holmes <Dave at neteffekt.co.uk> wrote:
>  It's not a competition...

If you believe this is true why this attempt to score points?

> If you read the question Alan was having a problem with compiling anyway
> so simply installing libzip will have no effect if the configure fails to
> create the make file..

 Errrm not exactly true.

from the original post.

>>We are running php 5.1.2 and need to read some zip'ed files. It looks
>>like we don't have the ZIP functionality installed.

>>Reading the documentation it seems to say we have to re-install php in
>>order to get the zip element (--enable-zip). Is this really true?

>>If it is - help! We installed initially as part of 10.1 Suse Linux via
>>Yast, and trying to do it from the ground up appears to be a nightmare.
>>We tried, failed and reverted to the backup. Any help will be appreciated.
>>thanks, alan dunn

Alan was trying to solve the problem using Yast the package management
system installed on his server.  99% of the time this is exactly how it
should be done on a stable system and unless you are super administrator
it's got to be first choice.  Even if he was installing from source he would
need to install libzip and it's headers or that would be another lib that
would need compling.

the post I made would allow someone who uses Yast (which I don't) to search
for the package containly the lib shared libs and install no fucking need to
start installing libphp, apache and a dozen assorted things and then having
to do all that tedious watching the security lists and starting all over
again every few weeks because some arsehole who claims to know what he is
doing said it's always best to install from source on a mailing list.

Anyway 10 gold stars well done ;)

you  can stick them up your fucking arse you patronising twat I am sure
there is enough room up there once you remove your head.  I offered help to
someone who was in need of help.  Technically it was the correct answer and
yet it went ignored because some fucking loud mouth always knows better and
starts to tell people they should learn to compile the whole world despite
the fact there are hundreds of people working for and with SuSe getting paid
to do that kind of shit for you.  What is the fucking point of using a
distribution only to undo all the good work?

I remember when you did have to install php from source and I for one am
fucking glad that nightmare is over because now I can get on with my life
rather than waste hours each week making sure servers are secure duplicating
the effort of people who are better at doing that kind of shit.  If thats
the life you want go for it there's no accounting for taste.


Steve 'sparkes' Parkes - tshirts http://nerd.ws - code http://zx-81.com
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