[Phpwm] Opportunity to teach your PHP knowledge to me

Phil Beynon phil at infolinkelectronics.co.uk
Fri Mar 2 01:39:43 GMT 2007

> Simon,
> To be honest reading between the lines there are a lot of professionals on
> the list and in our industry we sell our time and our knowledge, which by
> it's very nature is a finite commodity and
> therefore we need to ensure our time is used wisely and potential revenue
> maximised.
> In the immortal words of del boy, time is money Rodney....
> Imparting gems of wisdom on a mailing list is one thing
> effectively training
> up a junior with all that entails is another kettle of fish and
> IMO a major
> ask, which could account for the low level of response.
> Not sure why you would class a thousand hits a day a very busy
> site we have
> MySQL systems capable of supporting that volume measured in minutes
> especially when we are tracking high volume email campaigns for our media
> clients, as Phil points out what you indicate is very low volume
> usage which
> could be run in low end shared server space.
> If you are looking at Oracle they are trying very hard to get into the SME
> market at the moment with good deals on the entry level packages, in fact
> the SME team are based in Blyth valley just of the M42. So it
> might be worth
> a visit, just be aware they may try to sell you a fiber optic san to store
> the contents of a 1MB memory stick while your there!
> Dave

Yup, and also we are quite widely geographically spread out, plus quite a
few, myself included, work from home. That has all sorts of implications
from the point of view of offering a seat to work from.
The best thing to take your project forward is to break it down on paper
into small easy to write modules, its not the quickest way and its not the
way we, speaking here as I hope a fairly experienced programmer, all do it.
Then start on the foundations of what you are doing - say an authentication
/ registration module and get that working then build up the other bits
around it, letting things like CSS and the like grow as it grows.
The end result might not be the most optimumised code on the planet, but it
will work and it will get the site online and hopefully bringing in some
revenue for you - then you can take what you have learned and tweak and
rewrite individual bits here and there as you need.
The whole thing is a learning process, it always is and always will be - and
I'm sure people on the list, myself included, will be glad to assist here
and there, But I can't see anyone diving I and writing whole sections for
you, I certainly don't have the free time to do that currently!


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