[Phpwm] PHP/MYSQL report designer

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Wed Dec 29 19:07:47 UTC 2010

Lester Caine wrote:
> Carl Sutton wrote:
>> That is very vague requirements you have.
> Not at all vague ...
> The one thing that IS missing is a nice functional report generator
> although there are few useful starts at providing something like crystal
> reports in php, nothing is anything like 'complete' though.
> I've been using a simple report generator which produces pdf files and
> links to
> http://www.ashishkasturia.com/downloads/ pie chart and bar graph package
> for pictures, but I can't find a link to the original code. I've
> modified it to work with ADOdb so I can run any database, but the
> original code WAS just MySQL.

Knew it would pop-up as soon as I posted, but it sems to be hidden under some 
commercial stuff I don't remember seeing originally. pmreport 

> A current scan around brought up repgen on sf, although 6 years between
> bug fixes seems a little long. There seem to be lots of suggestions for
> 'pdf' generators, but converting an SQL query into something useful
> seems to be the area that is lacking.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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