[Phpwm] Where did all the PHP developers go?

Richard Cunningham richard at richardcunningham.co.uk
Wed Mar 24 14:11:42 UTC 2010

 From what I could tell...

Aston - Java, JSP, XML, Javscript, CSS and AJAX

Birmingham - Java

Leicester - Java, C++, XML, PHP, .NET and Haskell (though no 
XML/PHP/.NET when I was there years ago)

Warwick - Java, Haskell

Wolverhampton - Java

SonniesEdge wrote:
> > Maybe it's an age thing. Are the University students learning 
> > PHP nowadays? on their courses they often learn Java or C# 
> > and in their own time Python and Ruby are cool, so do any 
> > of them learn PHP?
> As an undergrad at Staffs uni - yeah, we get taught it, along with 
> MySQL (I'm sitting in a MySQL tutorial right now!). We also get taught 
> Java and .NET.  However, the degrees here are very vocational in 
> nature and I wonder if more theory-based comp sci degrees would offer 
> PHP at all?
> Charlie.
> --
> http://twitter.com/SonniesEdge
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