[Phpwm] Zend Framework Job at London Startup

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Mon Jul 9 11:09:40 UTC 2012

>>> >
>>> >  Also PIWIK has had to replace the Zend database library with a more efficient one, but it's too slow still for some functions. The Zend library DB itself is still very lacking in cross database facilities:(
>> I'm not a fan of Zend_Db or Zend_View - I'd much rather Propel or Smarty instead.
>> I'll ditto your "I've inherited a number of sites which are ZF based" which are a mess/interesting tangle of spaghetti.
>> I've been meaning to write a blog post moaning about one in particular, but so far I've managed to bite my tongue and not say anything.
> I'm still using ADOdb with Smarty2 and have a nice clean separation of style and function. ADOdb SHOULD have been brought into the PHP core rather than the half cocked attempt that is PDO which simply adds to the inadequacies of Zend_Db and a number of other abstraction layers.

Zend_Db is built on PDO. I personally like PDO - it's fast, and provides prepared statement support which is the main thing in my opinion.

> OH for a stable and supported PHP5.2 + ADOdb + Samarty2 ... Is there really anything of use added in PHP5.3 and 5.4?

PHP 5.3 - namespaces; closures 
PHP 5.4 - performance improvements, you can now do $car = new Car()->setColour('green'); short array syntax ($x = [0,1,2,3,4]); traits; array referencing ($x = function_which_returns_array()['meh'] ); Removed: safe mode / register globals etc.


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