[Preston] Hello

Databug preston at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 3 16:05:01 2003

On Thursday 02 Jan 2003 10:37 pm, Caroline wrote:

> Hi All..
> I'm new, too. I'm a student at the uni here and have been dabbling with
> Linux for the past year or so. I'm at the stage where I can possibly na=
> 1/2 a dozen distros. Hmm.
> I'm in the middle of a re-build and planning to make my desktop machine
> tri-boot (?) with win 98, 2000 and Suse 8.1. It's an experience.

Try boot eh that sounds like fun. But why with win2000? winXP is much bet=
Though not as good as Linux :).

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