[SC.LUG] wireless card

Damian Parker damian at damosoft.co.uk
Sat Feb 4 08:52:06 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 00:37 +0000, George wrote:
> llew wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I'm urgently in need of a wireless pcl card (having just spent many
> > hours/days  trying to get one going) that works out of box.? on GNU/Linux.
> http://users.linpro.no/janl/hardware/wifi.html might help point you in 
> the right direction. Or, if you have a look on eBuyer or some other shop 
> that allows comments, sometimes people will mention their success with 
> using it with linux.
> The main thing is to use as recent as possible a distribution of Linux 
> as wifi support is getting better all the time. Out of the ones I've 
> used Ubuntu seemed to have particularly good support.

Its rather down to software versions of kernel and drivers than a
distribution itself. Remember each item can be downloaded from its
origin and compiled to your needs.

> Or, if it's appropriate to where you're wanting to use it you could just 
> buy a wireless bridge for your ethernet connection but that's cheating a 
> bit :)

Been down that road myself, I think currently this is the only way
forward to acheive 54Mbps + speed, if you refuse to use windows drivers.
and the dll wrapper.


Damian Parker

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