[SC.LUG] Re: mini-ITX

Ewan Leith ewan at longwords.org
Tue Nov 7 13:10:35 GMT 2006

That eden board looks good, the size of an itx box without the poor performance.

Yes the nslu2 is all passive, so if you have a 2.5" disk attached
instead of a 3.5" disk, it's pretty much completely silent


On 11/7/06, Geoff <geoff at osbaldestin.net> wrote:
> Thats pretty cool, but would restrict me to much I think.
> It looks like Jetway have just realse a 2GHz version of the EDEN C7
> board, which looks very interesting:
> http://linitx.com/product_info.php?cPath=12_138&products_id=1184
> I take it that the NSLU2 has no active cooling, so is silent apart from
> any hard disk chatter from connected disks?
> Geoff
> Ewan Leith wrote:
> > If what you want is simply a tiny little server, I can't speak highly
> > enough of the Linksys NSLU2
> >
> > http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.uk%2FLinksys-NSLU2UK-Storage-Disk-Drives%2Fdp%2FB0002ZDQLI%2Fsr%3D1-1%2Fqid%3D1162843193%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Delectronics&tag=buttonbashers-21&linkCode=ur2&camp=1634&creative=6738
> >
> >
> > it's the size of a walkman, runs debian linux once you've flashed it,
> > and boots off an external usb device. it's not as flexible as the itx
> > machines, and has nothing like the power (32mb of ram, mips
> > processor), but my one runs samba, lighttpd, etc, without any issues.
> >
> > There's lots of information on it here
> >
> > http://www.nslu2-linux.org/
> >
> > you put debian on it by flashing it with a firmware file onto it's
> > internal memory, then it boots up off the external hard drive with a
> > suprisingly complete debian distribution, including the ability to
> > install all sorts of software using apt
> >
> > if you want a mysql database server, the 32mb of ram will obviously
> > cause issues, but things like berkeleydb and sqlite run fine on it.
> > I'm using a 250GB external usb disk as it's hard drive, and use it for
> > storing my music, movies, etc.
> >
> > amazon sell it for about £60, then you can get an external usb cabinet
> > and a 250GB disk for another £60 or so from them, and of course the
> > power usage will be much lower than even the itx machines
> >
> > Ewan
> >
> >
> ...snip.....
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