[SC.LUG] Ubuntu Glitch & *Meetings*

Richard Smedley rs at m6-it.org
Fri Jul 27 19:31:42 BST 2007

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 18:56 +0100, Matthew Tolley wrote:
> I have a small problem when I log into Ubuntu 7.04.

Hello matthew,

Is it a clean install, or an upgrade from an
earlier ubuntu?

> When I log in it says my HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored, and goes on 
> to say "File should be owned by user and have 644 permission. User's 

Open a terminal, and type:

chmod 644 /home/<your username>/.dmrc

This will set the necessary permissions. & type:

chown <your username> /home/<your username>/.dmrc

which will make it owned by you. Obviously you replace <your username>
with your actual username ;)

> $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by others."

Change this with:

sudo chmod 755 /home/<your username>

> Not only does this message bother me slightly but also since its advent 
> last week I have only been able to get online for a few minutes each day 
> (if that) before I can no longer access the net. I can log into my 
> router and can also use other machines which also use the router to get 
> online, so my problem is with the Ubuntu machine.

This may be somwething else, but let's see how the above works first.

> Does someone have a fix for these problems?

afaict .dmrc only sets a few user preferences. E.g on my Debian 
desktop here it just contains:

So I am not sure that it is related directly to your network problem :-/

> PS - when's the next meeting?

Short Answer:
Whenever you like.

Long answer:
During the last seven years there have been only three periods when
meetings were a popular success, the last of which was some time ago.
I'm sure a reasonable number of people on the list would like to
get to meetings - Chester LUG has regular meetings, and Liverpool
LUG still had them a few months ago.

If anybody wants a meeting, you just say ``I propose a meeting on $DATE,
at $LOCATION'', optionally you add in a reason, or a talk topic, or
something - then wait for people to show up. 
It could even become a regular fixture.

Whereabouts in Cheshire would you like to organise it? ;)
[btw Tuesdays are not good for me]

 - Richard

Richard Smedley,                                         rs at m6-it.org
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